
NatureBond Breast Pump Review – Mama’s Little Helper

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The image of a serene mother nursing her child is one of the most natural and beautiful things in the world. It’s also a little bit of a myth. Like many moms know, a lot of time and effort goes into breastfeeding. And it’s not always as easy as it looks to make loads of breast milk for your new baby.

That’s why every single ounce of breast milk is so precious. So how does a suction breast pump help?

Often when a mother is breastfeeding on one side, she also experiences a letdown or leaking on the other side. This breast milk is usually soaked up with nursing pads and goes to waste. Which considering how valuable it is, it can be kind of heartbreaking.

This is where the NatureBond Silicone Breast Pump comes to the rescue. It’s a one-piece, hands-free silicone pump that draws milk out of the breast by suction force. So instead of being lost, the milk can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer in storage bags to feed your little one later.

The pump can also be used when not nursing to relieve engorged breasts or help with unexpected letdowns of milk.

Not Just A Milk Collector

One important thing to note about this pump is that it is NOT just a collector. It not only suctions out the foremilk but also draws the thicker milk that comes out after your letdown, which is called “hindmilk.”

How much milk you collect with each session will vary from mother to mother. Some women report getting two to three ounces. For other mothers, it’s less. But as any nursing mommy can tell you, every drop of breast milk counts. Any drop wasted or any breast milk leaks are devastating so if there is a way to use your pump as a breast milk saver, it becomes extremely valuable.

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How To Use The NatureBond Pump

So how does it work? Using the NatureBond pump is actually quite simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

#1: Sterilize the pump by boiling it in hot water for five minutes.

#2: Once it cools off, it’s ready to use.

#3 Now flip the large circular flap backward and center the pump over your nipple.

#4: Once centered, squeeze the bulb and flip the silicone flap over your breast while releasing the bulb. This creates a natural vacuum that draws the milk out.

#5: For strong suction, squeeze the bulb at the top ring. For gentle suction, squeeze the bulb on the bottom ring.

#6: Once you’ve finished feeding, remove and place the pink silicone breast pump stopper in the pump to prevent spills.

More Details About The NatureBond Pump

Woman breastfeeding baby with a manual breast pump attached

In product reviews, many mothers claim that this breast pump has been a lifesaver for them. It extracts precious break milk that would otherwise have been wasted. And there’s no need for an electric pump or the more involved process of manual pumping.

Here are some other advantages of this breast pump:

  • Hands-free (once attached)
  • Lightweight and portable (comes with dust cover lid)
  • Available with a silicone stopper to prevent spills
  • Air-tight vacuum packaging
  • Easy to Clean
  • BPA Free
  • Made with FDA approved food-grade silicone
  • Lab-tested by Bureau Veritas (a world leader in testing, inspection and certification)
  • #1 silicone manual breast pump in the USA, Canada and UK

The NatureBond pump is also super soft and offers pure natural suction pressure, saving every ounce of breast milk and providing maximum comfort level for feeding.

The NatureBond pump is also dishwasher safe. However, it’s important to note that the company recommends handwashing it as detergent is harsh on soft silicone design and can make the pump less effective.

How Does It Measure Up?

NatureBond isn’t the only silicone pump on the market. There are various options out there, but its main competitor is Haaka, A New Zealand based company.

When it comes to customer reviews, the majority for both brands are quite positive. The major difference seems to be price, with Haaka being the more expensive of the two.

There are, however, a couple of product differences.

The Haakaa pump is available with a suction base to keep it from tipping over when you set it down. As of now, the NatureBond pump doesn’t have this feature.

However, the NatureBond pump is available with a pump strap to keep it in place while nursing. Some women don’t find the strap necessary as it stays in place on its own. But other mothers with restless babies say it prevents their little one from kicking the pump out of place, which makes feeding less of a hassle.

As of now, the Haakaa pump is not available with a strap.

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Pricing and Where To Buy The NatureBond Pump

NatureBone Silicone Breast Pump

Although you can buy the pump, strap and silicone stopper separately on their website, the best deal on NatureBond is their Premium Pack.

For $16.99, it comes with the pump, a stopper to prevent leaks, a pump strap and a carrying velvet pouch. We also found the same package on Amazon for $13.99.

On their website, the pump sells separately for $14.99, the strap for $9.90 and the stopper for $7.99. Like we said, best to go with the premium pack as it will definitely save you money.

To compare, we also checked out Haaka on Amazon. For a package including the pump (with no suction base) and a lid you’ll spend $20.99.

If you want the suction base and a lid, we found it for $32.99.

As far as value is concerned, NatureBond does come out the winner.

Can the NatureBond Pump Replace Your Electric Or Manual Pump?

NatureBond breast pump reviewer holding cup full of milk

Whether you can replace your electric or silicone manual breast pump with a suction pump really depends on your individual situation.

If you’re away from your baby often because of work or travel, you’re probably going to need an electric or at least a manual pump that you can pop in your handbag with your other baby products.

But if you’re a stay at home mom who breastfeeds most of the time and just wants some extra milk on hand, you can probably get by with the NatureBond pump alone.

Is This The Pump For You?

In the end, the mother knows best. But after our research, the NatureBond pump seems to be a solid and well-reviewed product that could make nursing a lot simpler. And at a lower price point, it’s definitely a better deal than its main competitor and can easily fit in your diaper bag. Plus, this high-quality silicone breast pump is recommended by lactation nurses from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

With all the work that goes into nursing, the last thing you want to do is cry over spilled milk.

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Sherry De Alba

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