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Having your first baby? Knowing what all you need (and don’t need) to give your baby the best life possible can be difficult. There are hundreds of different baby products on the market! What do you really, actually need and what’s just, well, a rip-off?
And what do you need as soon as you bring a baby home, versus later on in the first year of their life?
From baby clothes to breast milk, here are the 74 baby must-haves that you need to put on your shopping list.
Baby Must-Haves: Feeding Time
One of the primary things you have to do to keep your baby alive is feed them, so what are you going to need in order to make that happen?
Firstly, you have to consider whether you’re going to be breastfeeding or using formula.
Regardless of which you choose, you’ll want to have the following on hand:
- Burp cloths (for those unavoidable messes)
- Bibs
- Nursing pillow (because even the tiniest babies get heavy after holding them during countless feedings each day)
- Bottles and bottle nipples, as well as a bottle drying stand and bottle brush, for easy cleaning (and yes, even if you plan to breastfeed, you’ll still want these, as there will just be times when you have to pre-pump and send the goods off with someone else, for later feedings)
- Insulated bottle carrier
- Pacifiers
If you choose to go with formula feeding, you’ll just need to buy formula as an extra item. But be cautious — formula can get pricey, and different formulas work best for different babies. You may need to try a few types to find your baby’s preferred formula.
This also goes for nipples. Some babies like certain brands of bottle nipples more than others, so start off with a few choices for them to try out before committing.
Then, if you decide to go with breastfeeding, you’ll need several nursing bras, both daytime and nighttime nursing bras, and then some nursing pads and nipple cream. You’ll also want milk storage bags and a breast pump. Some mothers additionally like to buy some nursing camisoles, which are convenient replacements for the traditional nursing bra and can be worn around the house.
While not necessary, you may want to download a baby tracking app, which can help you keep track of recent feedings, as well as sleep and diaper schedules.
Baby Must-Haves: Sleepy Time
When your baby is all fed and sleepy, you’re going to need somewhere to put them to bed. Whether you’re co-sleeping and allowing your baby to sleep in your master bedroom, or starting them out in a nursery immediately, there are a few things you’ll want.
- Bassinet or crib (even if you plan to co-sleep, the bassinet will come in handy during other times, like nap time)
- Crib sheets and other bedding, including crib mattress protectors (go with three sets, at least)
This is really all you need to put the baby to sleep, but some parents also opt for additional items that make putting baby to bed a little easier, such as white noise machines, swaddle blankets, mobiles or other crib accessories, baby monitors, night lights and black-out shades.
Baby Must-Haves: Diaper Time
After you feed the baby, diapering becomes inevitable. There a few baby must-haves for diaper time, including:
- Changing table
- Changing pad
- Changing pad cover
- Baby wipes
- Diaper pail
- Diapers (either cloth diapers or traditional)
You’re going to need lots and lots of diapers.
Try to stock up before your new baby arrives so that you’re not worried about running out to buy them when you have so many other things on your mind. You can also set up regular diaper deliveries from providers such as Amazon, so that the diapers arrive on your doorstep every so often, for even more convenience.
On average, plan for a jumbo box of diapers to last about a week, maybe two.
Related: Building A Nursery For First Time Parents [With Complete Checklist]
Baby Must-Haves: Clothes
While you may receive quite a lot of clothes from your baby shower, you want to take inventory of everything you received and just make sure you have your bases covered.
When bringing home a newborn, it’s advised that you have…
- 5 to 10 onesies
- 5 to 10 shirts
- 5 to 10 pairs of pants
- 5 to 10 one-piece pajamas
- 2 to 4 seasonal outfits (if you have your baby in the winter, get some newborn-appropriate coats or sweaters; if you have your baby in the summer, look for newborn summer hats and other protective wear)
- 5 pairs of socks
- 2 hats
One thing that you can probably skip buying for a newborn? Shoes. After all, how often do newborns really end up touching the ground? Socks and booties should suffice for a few months.
Baby Must-Haves: Household Needs
Okay, so you have the nursery outfitted with everything you think the baby could need. But what about the rest of the house? Yes, you will need to make some changes to your entire house in order to keep the baby safe.
You’ll want to buy…
- Child-safe cleaning products
- Baby gates for any staircases (a baby gate for both the top and bottom of each staircase)
- Outlet covers
- Drawer and cabinet latches
- Fireplace bumper (if you have a fireplace)
- Corner guards for tables
- Toilet locks
Baby Must-Haves: Bath Time
No, you probably shouldn’t just take your baby into the shower with you and give them a quick rinse. To protect their super-soft and sensitive baby skin, you’ll want to have a few things on hand, including:
- Infant tub
- Infant washcloths (around a half-dozen will do)
- Infant soap and shampoo
- Infant hairbrush
- Infant towels (two is fine)
- Infant nail clippers
- Baby lotion or oil
Related: The 13 Best Nursing Bras For Breastfeeding
Baby Must-Haves: On the Go
Once it’s time to take your baby out into the big, wide world, you want to do so as safely as possible. There are a few things that make this easier. You’ll want to get…
- Car seat (aim for an infant car seat that can be adjusted to fit your child’s needs up through adolescent)
- Baby carrier (some car seats pull double duty as both a car seat and an infant carrier)
- Stroller, with blankets and a cover
- Diaper bag
- Portable crib or pack and play (if you plan to travel with your baby at all)
Baby Must-Haves: First Aid Gear
An easy way to ensure you have all the first aid gear you might need for your baby is to purchase a full first aid kit created for infants (like this full kit from the American Red Cross). However, you can make your own first aid kit with items that you already may have around the house if you wish.
Whatever option you go with, make sure that you have the following on hand:
- Nasal bulb
- Digital thermometer
- Medicine dispenser
- Sterile gauze
- Saline nasal drops
- Baby Tylenol
- Antibiotic cream or ointment
- Infant upset stomach medication
- Alcohol swabs
- Infant bandages
Your pediatrician may have additional suggestions for items to add to your infant first aid kit.
Baby Gear You Might Want, But Don’t Need
There’s tons of baby gear out there that you might want, but that you don’t need. If you’re on a strict budget when it comes to outfitting your nursery, here are a few things you can avoid.
Your child will accumulate toys quickly, thanks to grandparents, godparents, friends and other family members. You don’t necessarily need to worry about stocking your nursery up with infant toys right away — other people will do it for you.
And even if they don’t, however, is your newborn really going to be able to play with those toys? Not really. You can save the deluge of toys for Christmas.
Again, nice to have, but not necessary. Interacting with your newborn is crucial for healthy bonding and development, but reading to your newborn isn’t the only way to do this. And, the fact is, you likely already have books around the house you can read to them (your newborn will not notice if you’re reading to them from an age-appropriate book or the latest YA fantasy novel), or you can quickly find a free one online, to read from your tablet or phone.
Nursery Decor
If you’re on a budget, you don’t have to create the most opulent nursery known to man. Your baby will do just fine with the basics. If you do want to outfit your nursery with some cute accessories and wall decor, though, there are budget-friendly ways to DIY your nursery decor.
Crib Dolls and Extra Blankets
You don’t want to have too much stuff in your baby’s crib. Not only is it unnecessary, but having too much fabric in your baby’s crib can increase the likelihood of SIDS.
Seasonal or “Fancy” Infant Clothes
Unless you have something important coming up that you know your newborn will need to attend relatively soon, there’s no point in buying seasonal or special occasion clothes. You don’t know what size your child will be next Halloween or Christmas, so don’t try to guess and buy something far in advance.
Likewise, infants often don’t prefer frilly, fancy clothes with lots of fabrics, ribbons, buttons or zippers. Often, the simpler, the better when it comes to newborn clothing.
Luxury Items
Sure, the rich mom on the block has a wet wipe warmer and a diaper genie, but if you’re working on a budget, don’t feel pressured to buy luxury items like these. Your baby will never know the difference.
Related: 43 Easy Ways to Childproof Your Home
Items You’ll Need as Baby Gets Older
As your baby grows and changes, so will their needs. While you might not need to have these items on hand as soon as your baby arrives home, you do want to keep them in mind for purchasing in the upcoming months.
Feeding Gear
As your baby switches from formula to solid foods, you’ll need to have all the necessary supplies, such as infant-friendly bowls, plates, spoons and cups. You’ll also need a high chair. Plan to buy…
- Sippy cups
- Bowls
- Plates
- Utensils
- High chair
- Booster seat
- Plenty of baby food, from the cereal products you’ll start out with to the jarred baby food you’ll move to before you begin introducing solid foods. Some parents like to purchase supplies for making their own baby food, too, as well as “big kid” puffed or Cheerio-type snacks that are portable and unlikely to pose a choking hazard.
Toys and Books
Okay, now’s about the time when you want to ensure your child has a good selection of toys and books that will contribute to their development.
One type of toy that parents find invaluable as their baby grows? Teething toys. More to chew on means less crying.
Other Baby Items Suitable for the Older Crowd
Your baby will soon grow out of that infant tub, at which point you’ll need to start giving them baths in the regular bathtub. A tub seat is a nice thing to have on hand, so you don’t have to hold your baby upright the entire bath time.
Additionally, a toddler potty or toilet seat adapter will be necessary once your child is ready for potty training, often close to their first birthday.
Ready for Your First Baby?
While purchasing all the baby must-haves that you need for your first child can seem daunting, just think — once you’ve got a lot of this gear, you can keep it around for your second or third child!
As you begin building your nursery, additionally remember: no parent is perfect; all you can do is be prepared.
You also might be interested in: When Should My Baby Crawl? And 9 Other Milestones In The First Year
74 Baby Must-Haves:
- Burp cloths
- Bibs
- Nursing pillow
- Bottles
- Bottle nipples
- Bottle drying stand
- Bottle brush
- Insulated bottle carrier
- Pacifiers
- Formula
- Nursing bras
- Nursing pads
- Nipple cream
- Milk storage bags
- Breast pump
- Nursing camisoles
- Baby tracking app
- Bassinet
- Crib
- Crib sheets
- Other bedding
- Crib mattress protectors
- White noise machine
- Swaddle blankets
- Mobile
- Crib accessories
- Baby monitor
- Night light
- Black-out shades
- Changing table
- Changing pad
- Changing pad cover
- Baby wipes
- Diaper pail
- Traditional or cloth diapers
- 5 to 10 onesies
- 5 to 10 shirts
- 5 to 10 pairs of pants
- 5 to 10 one-piece pajamas
- 2 to 4 seasonal outfits
- 5 pairs of socks
- 2 hats
- Child-safe cleaning products
- Baby gates
- Outlet covers
- Drawer and cabinet latches
- Fireplace bumper (if you have a fireplace)
- Corner guards for tables
- Toilet locks
- Infant tub
- Infant washcloths
- Infant soap
- Infant shampoo
- Infant hairbrush
- Infant towels
- Infant nail clippers
- Baby lotion
- Baby oil
- Car seat
- Baby carrier
- Stroller
- Diaper bag
- Portable crib or pack and play
- Infant First Aid Kit
- Nasal bulb
- Digital thermometer
- Medicine dispenser
- Sterile gauze
- Saline nasal drops
- Baby Tylenol
- Antibiotic cream or ointment
- Infant upset stomach medication
- Alcohol swabs
- Infant bandages
Holly Riddle
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Holly Riddle is a travel, food and lifestyle writer, and a full-time freelance content creator after several years on editorial staffs for a multitude of publications ranging in topic and audience demographic. She currently acts as the editor at large for Global Traveler magazine and is a regular contributor at Trazee Travel, WhereverFamily, TravelMag, CruiseHive and more. Ghostwritten work for travel clients has appeared on Forbes, Bloomberg, Inc. and other top publications. She also manages blogs for tour providers, hotels and tourism boards.
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