Health & Wellness

Zero-Cost, Zero-Equipment At-Home Workouts [Complete Guide]

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If you workout at home, you likely have some of the typical equipment staples like dumbbells, a balance ball, resistance bands, kettlebells and maybe even a treadmill or stationary bike. While these are all fabulous, there are some free ways to kick your own booty that require zero gym equipment at all.

The following workouts use your body weight and items you already have in your home. Get ready for a new and fun way to get your sweat on under your own roof!

Note: Even though these workouts do not have technical gym equipment, they will still certainly kick your booty! Try the modifications as needed or speed up your reps (with solid form, of course!) to make it even more challenging.

Slider Workout


On a hard floor (tile, hardwood, vinyl): grab two small or folded towels

On carpet or a rug: grab 2 paper plates

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15-second rest in between each exercise—complete 3-5 rounds.

  1. 1 Push-up to 4 Mountain Climbers

      Modification: Drop your knees to the ground for the push-up

  1. Lateral Lunge to Curtsy Lunge (Right foot on towel/plate)
  2. Lateral Lunge to Curtsy Lunge (Left foot on towel/plate)
  3. Commando to 2 Plank Jacks

      Modification: Drop your knees to the ground for the commando

  1. Forward Lunge to Reverse Lunge

      Modification: Skip the forward lunge, do reverse lunge only

  1. Plank Tuck to Pike

      Modification: Skip the pike, do the tuck only (or stop and hold plank)


Chair, Bench or Stair Workout

Whichever item you use, be sure it is stable and will not slide around!

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15-second rest in between each exercise—complete 3-5 rounds.

  1. Step Up (right foot on bench)
  2. Step Up (Left foot on bench)
  3. Tricep Dips

      Modification: Bend knees, keep feet flat on the floor

  1. Bulgarian Split Squat (right foot on bench)
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat (left foot on bench)
  3. Foot Elevated Push- up

Modification: Flip it and place a hand on the bench, feet on the floor

  1. Single-Leg Hip Bridge (right foot of bench)

      Modification: Place both feet on the bench

  1. Single-Leg Hip Bridge (left foot on bench)

      Modification: Place both feet on the bench

  1. Elevated Alligators

      Modification: Skip the alligators, hold plank instead


Wall Workout


Find an open wall, free of any decor. You may also use a closed door.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15-second rest in between each exercise—complete  3-5 rounds.

  1. Single-Leg Wall Squat (left leg lifts)

      Modification: Skip the leg lift

  1. Single-Leg Wall Squat (right leg lifts)

      Modification: Skip the leg lift

  1. Plank Wall Walkouts
  2. Hip Bridge
  3. Single Arm Push-up (right hand on the wall)

      Modification: Walk your feet closer to wall

  1. Single Arm Push-up (left hand on the wall)

      Modification: Walk your feet closer to wall

  1. Handstand Wall Walk to Power Squat

      Modification: Don’t walk hands all the way to wall OR skip the power squat (walk your feet back to the floor instead) 


No equipment? No problem!

All you need is your body paired with a step/bench, wall, or towels – all items you have on hand at home. Okay, so there is one problem, now you don’t have an excuse anymore to skip your workout!

You might also be interested in: A Guide to Practicing Yoga at Home


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